Indoor Air Quality, Moisture and Mold Investigations
Spero Corporation provides Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Investigations using typical visual and olfactory screening methods, as well as PIDs (Photoionization Detectors) capable of detecting VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) down to 1 ppb. In addition, we use various other portable analyzers and monitors as well as EPA approved sampling methods and analytical procedures to identify indoor pollutants. PIDs and other analyzers respond instantaneously to most VOCs and are utilized in a walk through type screening surveys to identify sources of pollutants and impacted areas. Screening is typically completed prior to conventional sampling utilizing vacuum canisters to collect indoor air samples and laboratory analysis.
Molds can be found almost anywhere. They can grow on virtually any substance, provided moisture is present. There are molds that can grow on wood, paper, carpet, and foods, which are food sources for molds. There is no practical way to eliminate all mold and mold spores in the indoor environment, however, the way to control indoor mold growth is to control moisture. Mold growth may be a problem if there is visual evidence of discolored wallboard surfaces, moisture stains or water damage. Mold growth is typically associated with olfactory evidence of a bad, musty, pungent smell or a foul stench. Sampling and laboratory analysis is typically completed to evaluate mold types and mitigation requirements, methods and procedures.
Conditions of elevated moisture often result in indoor mold growth. Thermal imaging, non-intrusive as well as intrusive pin type moisture meters are utilized to determine moisture levels in building materials and delineate areas of elevated moisture.